Masterpiece Mystery Presentation
Cast: Michael Kitchen, Honeysuckle Weeks, Anthony Howell
sez says -- we really enjoyed the early seasons of Foyles Wart and were glad to see that they continued itm in this 6th Season of 'After the War' stories. This one revolves around POW Brits who joined the Nazi to fight the Russians (anti-communists) --and it has a good mystery (what won't the accused young man talk?) that is solved in the course of the story, without introducing a deus ex machina to wrap everything up ( i hate when they do that). There are some extra unnecessary shenanigans thrown into the story (bad guy, greedy developers, and bad dads) But they didn't hurt the story.
This is either the final time we will see this crew -- or maybe it will continue with Foyle in America--where he is headed --for some mysterious purpose--at the end of this show. Great production values, great acting. Kitchen is really a great actor but he sure hit his sweet-spot in this show. (Grade B)
15 years ago