Starring: Ian Richardson; Charles Edwards
mjc says: I am always looking for a good mystery to watch (some might say, desperately looking) and so far this small series based on a professor and Arthur Conan Doyle out and about solving mysteries has been enjoyable. It is difficult to plot a mystery, especially in movie form, that is faithful to the audience. That is, that presents possible suspects and solutions in such a way that the viewer has a chance to solve it, without resorting to a deus ex machina. This accomplished that goal and with Ian Richardson driving the scenes he was in it worked as drama too (scenes without him, alas, fell flat more often than not). For the genre, C+
sez says: the stories in this series are not terribly compelling but the acting is first rate and the set design, staging is excellent -- the sets are superior in every way -- the costuming is strong too --so too bad the story lines are so -- well, so-so. Grade C
15 years ago
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